About Us

For over half a century, Display Sales has been a trusted partner for academic institutions, civic organizations, businesses, and individuals across the nation, infusing communities with a lasting sense of pride, heritage, and nostalgia.

Our guiding principle, "One Step Ahead," demonstrates our commitment to maintaining our position as an industry pioneer. We are dedicated to delivering exceptional customer service and a tailor-made experience.

Whether you're in search of enchanting Christmas decorations, captivating event displays, or American-made US flags, our welcoming team is here, ready to assist. We look forward to connecting with you.

Our Story

Meet the Team

Alex Letsche Sales Rep
Alex Letsche - Account Manager

Territory: Massachusetts, Missouri, Nevada, Oklahoma, Tennessee, Utah 

Favorite Product: Classic over-the-street Lit Garland with a Triple Candle Wreath in the middle.

Favorite thing about sales: I love when people tell me they were initially dreading working on their Street Beautification project, but that we actually made the process fun and easy. I also love when customers send me pictures of their banners or decorations once they are installed!

In my free time you’ll find me: Seeing plays, visiting museums, eating in great restaurants, and browsing used bookstores. 

What vacation spot would you go back to if given the chance?  Barcelona, Spain.  I’m a night owl who is nuts about history and food, so I can eat tapas at 1am in an 800-year-old neighborhood. My kind of city. 

Favorite Quote: “Do not go where the path may lead, go instead where there is no path and leave a trail.” – Ralph Waldo Emerson 

Ext. 4675 | aletsche@displaysales.com

Brook Wachal Sales Rep
Brook Burtyk - Sr. Account Manager & Team Lead

Territory: Ohio, North Dakota, Illinois, Maine, Pennsylvania 

Favorite Product: Star Snowflakes

Why does your pet have the name it does? I have 3 cats: Loki, Kitty and Popsicle.  Popsicle was found frozen to the ground as a kitten. He now sports half an ear and a stub for a tail.

In my free time you’ll find me:  Spending time with my fiancé Daniel, cooking new foods, exploring local breweries, and working on home renovations.   

Favorite quote: “All we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given to us.” – Gandalf (J.R.R. Tolkien – The Fellowship of the Ring)

Ext. 4696 | bwachal@displaysales.com 

Joe Wistrcill Sales Rep
Joe Wistrcill - Sr. Account Manager

Territory: Iowa, North Carolina, South Dakota, Texas, Virginia, Wyoming

Favorite Product: Christmas Decorations

If you could invent a holiday, what would it be?  Creative Day! A holiday where you intentionally choose and are encouraged to avoid pragmatic productivity in favor of spending your time creating and appreciating arts.  

In my free time you’ll find me:  Producing, Writing and Recording music

Favorite quote:  "I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart, for I have overcome the world." -Jesus (John 16:33)

Ext. 4679 | jwistrcill@displaysales.com

Kolin Posterick - Account Manager
Kolin Posterick - Account Manager

Territory: Kentucky, New Hampshire, Delaware, Montana, Oregon, California, Colorado

Favorite Product: Spring & Summer Banners

It’s Friday, you can travel anywhere in the world for dinner/drink. Where are you and what are you eating/drinking? You would find me in Germany enjoying the various brews, schnitzel and kartoffelpuffer.

In my free time you’ll find me:  Playing Tuba, Reading, Cooking, Playing football/Rugby, Writing music, and hanging out with my family/friends.

Favorite quote: "Imagination creates reality” – Richard Wagner

Ext. 4673 | KPosterick@DisplaySales.com

Lori Linden  Sales Rep
Lori Lundeen - Sr. Account Manager

Territory:  Minnesota, New Jersey, New Mexico, New York, Wisconsin 
Favorite Product: Holiday Lighting

It’s Friday, you can travel anywhere in the world for dinner/drink. Where are you and what are you eating/drinking? In Greece dining outdoors with many courses of food, wine, and Ouzo

In my free time you’ll find me:  Reading, cooking, and watching football

Favorite quote: “Shoot for the moon.  Even If you miss, you'll land among the stars.” - Les Brown 

Ext. 4688 | llundeen@displaysales.com

Lukas Schmitz Sales Rep
Lukas Schmitz - Account Manager

Territory: Florida, Georgia, West Virginia, Kansas, Idaho, Arkansas

Favorite Product: International Flags

Favorite thing about sales: Interacting with a wide variety of personalities from all over the United States

A couple of interesting facts about myself: I have a bachelor’s degree in social work, 6 years of automotive experience and 7 years of sales experience.

In my free time you’ll find me:  Fly fishing.  Ice, open water, and deep-sea fishing are all close seconds. 

Favorite Quote: “You miss 100% of the shots you don’t take” – Wayne Gretzky’ – Michael Scott (in an episode of the Office)

Ext. 4663 | lschmitz@displaysales.com

Ruth Koscielak Sales Rep
Ruth Koscielak - Sr. Account Manager

Territory: Alabama, Connecticut, Louisiana, Michigan, Rhode Island, Vermont

Favorite Product: Dazzled holiday decorations with garland - especially the wreath with a bow

Favorite Food:  I don’t want to live without chocolate.  Literally.

What vacation spot would you go back to if given the chance?  I loved New Zealand, Turkey, and Israel.  Israel was the first place I visited where the people talked more than I do. 

Favorite quote: “I never lose.  I either win or learn.” – Nelson Mandela

Ext. 4695 | rkoscielak@displaysales.com

Trevor Bowell Sales Rep
Trevor Bowell - Sr. Account Manager

Territory: Arizona, South Carolina, Washington, Mississippi, Maryland, Nebraska, Indiana

Favorite Product: Holiday Lighting and Decorations!

In my free time you’ll find me:  Being active and outdoors. I love working out, golfing, playing hockey and watersports. I also love traveling and spending as much time as possible with my wife Kate, our dog Bo and come November our first baby girl!

Why does your pet have the name it does? My dog is a Black Lab mixed with a Pitbull. His name Is Bo because it’s an awesome name and he's a fan of Bo Jackson!

If you could start a charity, what would it be for? Pancreatic Cancer.

Favorite Quote: “I’ve missed more than 9,000 shots in my career.  I’ve lost almost 300 games.  Twenty-six times I’ve been trusted to take the game-winning shot and missed.  I’ve failed over and over and over again in my life.  And that is why I succeed.” – Michael Jordan

Ext. 4664 | tbowell@displaysales.com

Craig Fulgency - Digital Marketing Manager
Craig Fulgency - Digital Marketing Manager

Favorite Product: American flags

Favorite Food: Thai and Italian

In my free time you’ll find me:  Playing with our dogs, visiting waterparks, or fishing with my son

What vacation spot would you go back to if given the chance? Kauai, with its towering green canyons, hidden beaches, and remarkably uncrowded atmosphere

Favorite Quote: “You cannot escape the responsibility of tomorrow by evading it today.” ― Abraham Lincoln

Ryan Caldewell Sales and Marketing
Ryan Caldwell - Sales Director

Favorite Product: Hometown Hero Banners – I have a lot of family members that were in the military, and I love how this program recognizes those who’ve served.

In my free time you’ll find me:  Taking my kids to the park, golfing, running, snowboarding, or enjoying a beverage with friends.

What vacation spot would you go back to if given the chance? Cinque Terre in Italy.  It’s a spot along the coast where there are 5 separate fishing villages that you can hike through.  The food is amazing, and the views are unbeatable.

Favorite Quote: “Everyone is a genius. But if you judge a fish by its ability to climb a tree, it will live its whole life believing that it is stupid.” - Albert Einstein

Ext. 4689 | rcaldwell@displaysales.com

Nancy Peterson President and CEO
Nancy Peterson - President and CEO

Favorite Product: Avenue Banners

Favorite Food: Dark Chocolate

It’s Friday, you can travel anywhere in the world for dinner/drink. Where are you and what are you eating/drinking?   Florence Italy for wine and pasta

In my free time you’ll find me:  Reading or Exercising - Love Pilates and yoga

What vacation spot would you go back to if given the chance?  I loved Ecuador, the country is beautiful and there are so many places to hike and explore.

Favorite Quote: “You will be transformed by what you read.” – Deepak Chopra

Ext. 4661 | npeterson@displaysales.com